
For schoolwide implementation, we recommend one kit per classroom.
Each Second Step Elementary classroom kit for Kindergarten includes:
In the box:
- 25 durable 11″ x 17″ color photo-lesson cards
- 4 Unit Cards for teachers
- 5 colorful classroom posters
- 4 Listening Rules Cards
- 2 high-quality puppets—Puppy and Snail
- Plush Be-Calm Bunny
- Sing Out Loud music CD
- Teaching Materials Binder that contains:
- 25 Following Through Cards
- 12 Home Link activities
Online when you register your kit:
- Stream lesson media direct to your classroom—online access to lesson photos, songs, and videos in English or Spanish is included with purchase
- Easy-to-use teaching resources with specific instructions and tools to help you get the most out of the program
- Online Training
- Video examples of lessons and games
- Family materials to email home
- Book lists
- Brain Builder games
- Assessment tools
- Program Implementation Guide
- Spanish translations of lessons and family materials
Second Step Elementary Kindergarten lessons begin with skills for learning and the Listening Rules, which set the stage for future academic success and later lessons in identifying feelings, managing strong emotions, solving problems, and getting along with others.
Activities, Brain Builder games, and partner work keep children engaged and help them practice their skills. Puppy and Snail puppets encourage children’s participation, and Be-Calm Bunny helps kindergartners wait for their turn to speak.
Lesson Topics
Kindergarten lessons are taught once a week and take 20–30 minutes, followed by 5- to 10-minute daily activities—all with little to no prep time.
Skills for Learning
- Learning to Listen
- Focusing Attention
- Following Directions
- Self-Talk for Staying on Task
- Being Assertive
- Feelings
- More Feelings
- Identifying Anger
- Same or Different?
- Accidents
- Caring and Helping
Emotion Management
- We Feel Feelings in Our Bodies
- Managing Frustration
- Calming Down Strong Feelings
- Handling Waiting
- Managing Anger
- Managing Disappointment
- Handling Being Knocked Down
Problem Solving
- Solving Problems
- Inviting to Play
- Fair Ways to Play
- Having Fun with Friends
- Handling Having Things Taken Away
- Handling Name-Calling
- Reviewing Second Step Skills
Program Benefits (PDF)
CASEL Alignment (PDF)
Self-Regulation: Setting the Course for Success (PDF)
Academic Alignment Chart (PDF)
Second Step® Elementary Classroom Kit for Kindergarten Scope & Sequence
Second Step Program (PDF)