Spanish Second Step® Early Learning Poster and Card Pack

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Spanish-language classroom posters (set of 3) and Listening Rules Cards for Second Step Early Learning

Product # 106080

Price $39.00


This Spanish-language set of three colorful classroom posters and four Listening Rules Cards is designed to reinforce Second Step® skills and concepts for early learners.


  • Maneras justas de jugar (Fair Ways to Play) (17” x 22”)
  • Cómo calmarse (How to Calm Down) (17” x 22”)
  • Sentimientos (Feelings) (17” x 33”)

Listening Rules Cards:

  • Ojos mirando (Eyes watching) (11” x 8.5”)
  • Oídos escuchando (Ears listening) (11” x 8.5”)
  • Boca callada (Voice quiet) (8.5” x 11”)
  • Cuerpo calmado (Body calm) (8.5” x 11”)
Additional Spanish Resources Online

Second Step clients can access the following materials in Spanish for Second Step Early Learning through

  • Weekly Themes
  • Take-Home Activities and Family Letters
  • Song lyrics
  • Mini-posters

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